Fight with us for every life! Every life matters!
While your checkout, you can support our fight for life. We'll collect additional 1% of your purchase, and every month we'll donate it to the one organisation that fights for live of conceived childs in the countries we sell to.
Help us fight for brighter future, where every life matters, no matter of skin color, material state, sex or religion. Just every child matters!
Currently your payments for this program will be sent in 100% to the following organisations:
- "Fundacja Pro-Prawo do Życia" (Pro-Right to Life Foundation)
ul. J. I. Kraszewskiego 27/22,
05-800 Pruszków
48 608 594 158
[email protected]
KRS: 0000233080
NIP: 1231051050
REGON: 010083573