Parcel insurance (for the case of loss/damage)


Important Info:

Length of warranty 12 months
Processing time for warranty service from 6 weeks
Processing time for warranty repair to 12 weeks
$ 29.00
+ possible tax

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Parcel insurance to the order you already made. It'll work if it was bought before we shipped your order. More details about it's protection you'll find in our terms and conditions:

Available delivery options:

Important Info:

Length of warranty 12 months
Processing time for warranty service from 6 weeks
Processing time for warranty repair to 12 weeks

Frequently Asked Questions

Delivery dates are provided on every product page, below product name. When you'll click the dates, a calendar will appear.

AFTER YOU MAKE AN ORDER: These dates are also available at your customer area -> order history, and with the e-mail with order confirmation.

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The price of the product is final, however, there may be costs when crossing the border of your country, depending on the type of declaration you submit. You can ask us for any customs declaration during the cart submission process, you can enter this value in the "Customs declaration" or "Comments" field. However, sometimes Customs will not respect these values so it is a good idea to be prepared to pay the domestic tax when your package arrives.

In EU and UK you are going to pay your country VAT from declared value (ex. 20% in UK) + small clearance fees depending on the delivery method, for details please ask local DHL, Fedex or UPS customs agency.

If you are a European citizen / entity and have an EORI number, you can deduct this tax later.

USA customers/entities do not pay tax.

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In most cases we can ship to your country, you can check the cost after you'll add product of your choice to the cart (no purchase is needed).

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Dear, this product is factory unlocked, should work in your country. If it's smartphone or have GSM model it might be wise to compare it's LTE/5G frequencies with the LTE/5G frequencies of your network to confirm coverage compatibility (they are listed in the product description). If frequencies aren't listed there, please contact us.

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List of the package contents is usually listed at the end of the product description.

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OTA updates are most likely going to work in most of the devices bought at our website and they should not change system sate ex. removing multi-language and google apps.

However, there are devices where OTA will not work, we usually inform about it on the product page, in the "ROM" section. If you'll not be able to make automatic updates, you may always try to make manual system update, which may require some skills or tools (ex. ADB) installed on your computer. It may also remove system customisations installed before ex. multi-language support. For more info you may ask us a question from product page.

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NFC will most likely work on the most of the devices bought on our website. 

Exception are some, but not all, devices sold with unlocked bootloader, due to Global rom installation ex. Xiaomi. Some other devices with Global rom installed on original rom, and unlocked bootloader shouldn't have problems with NFC payments - ex. Realme devices. Root can also cause NFC banking applications not work, but our store in current time don't sell rooted devices at all (state for January 2024).

If you have doubts if your device will have NFC payments working you should ask us every time by product questions available at product page or checks questions of the other customers at the bottom of the product page.

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14 days returns

Locally - to addresses in the UK, Germany or the USA (check exceptions)

12 +12 Months Warranty

Free guarantee up to 24 months for selected products (Check requirements)

100% Genuine

Only Original, *not* refurbished Products

Product description

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